
The pulsating heart of “La Rondine Ricevimenti” is its entire staff.

What branded us across the years is our attention towards details, and exactly because of this attentiveness that we reserve to our customers, the selection of any personnel collaborating with us has been always the result of a meticulous and accurate selection, capable to guarantee top standards in terms of professionality and courteousness.
Indeed, throughout the years the choice of our kitchen and banquet hall personnel has been based on professionality and specialization, allowing us to affirm ourselves in the gastronomic branch thanks to uncountable acclaims and appreciations received from all those ones that we had the pleasure to serve.
The professionality of any component of our entire staff is ensured by periodical refresher training, specialization courses and formative stages which permitted us to be always vanguard and leader in this branch.
Our experience, joint to the great technical and logistic know-how of our kitchen and banquet hall personnel consents us to serve, in short time and with top professionality, a high number of guests in any kind of event.